Dr Tai Lee Siang

Dr Tai Lee Siang
Qualification: MBBS (Singapore), FRCS (Edinburgh), AM (Malaysia)
Year of graduation: 1988
Medical school and University: King Edward VII , National University of Singapore
Year of Specialist: FRCS ( Edinburgh) 1994
Scope of service: Thyroid surgery, Breast Surgery, Upper GI Surgery, Biliary Surgery  , Colorectal Surgery, Hernia Repair, Anorectal Surgery, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy
Area of interest: Breast surgery, Biliary surgery, Colorectal surgery
Institution of Practice: Penang Adventist Hospital since 1999
Specialty : Consultant General Surgeon


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2 thoughts on “Dr Tai Lee Siang

  1. dear doctor,

    saya Dian dari Medan-Indonesia. Suami saya, Dr. Anthony Sitompul menderita batu dalam empedu (goal bladder). Pertama sakit november 2011, hospitalized, tetapi tidak ada tindakan apapun.
    tanggal 10 agustus 2013, sakitnya datang kembali, dan sekarang kami ada plan ke penang adventist hospital untuk pemeriksaan.

    pertanyaan saya :
    1. bila di operasi, tindakan apa yang dilakukan, laparascopy atau open surgery? which one the best?
    2. apabila harus operasi, berapa kira2 biaya yang dibutuhkan? (total cost dengan biaya ward 3 bedded)
    3. berapa lama waktu untuk tinggal di rumah sakit krn operasi?
    4. surat2 apa sajakah yang harus saya prepare (selain passport) untuk dibawa ke penang adventist hospital?

    terima kasih.

    • Dear Dian,

      Sorry for my late reply.

      Your husband operation has gone smoothly as expected. He will have a fast recovery.

      Thank you for visiting my website and please share the information with your friends.


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